Pat's Tasty Kasi Chicken

           Pat's Tasty Kasi Chicken  


Vonani Maluleke the co-owner, frying some meat
at Pat Chicken.
Pat Chicken is a local franchise in the section around Soshanguve known as the LKK. The place is owned by two individuals Patrick Ratlhalelane and Vonani Maluleke.

According to the co-owner Vonani Maluleke, the main person behind the concept of starting this kind of a business was his partner, Patrick. “He felt that there was a need for some local food that is well prepared and ready for the people to buy since most of them preferred chilled stuff,” said Maluleke.

Maluleke said that Pat Chickens had no funding at all that they had to dig from their own pockets and also do some fundraising to start the business. After seeing that there is potential in the business, they decided to draw a real plan for the franchise. According to Maluleke, their mission is to open other branches of the same business in other different places as they have already started with one extension of the business along the side of M17 he says that they would like to sell the very same product in many spots.

“We never had the specific time or the best time to start the business, the minute we put our minds into this business was the minute we knew that it was the right time to start our business. Like what Martin Luther King Jr said that there is no good time to do something unless you put your mind into it” said Maluleke.

Like any other business, Pat’s Chicken had its challenges. According to Patrick, the first challenge they had when starting the business was the thought of whether people will buy their meat or not. “The second challenge was having the urge for customers to finish the chicken we made in a day because we don’t serve our customers' leftovers, we buy meat every day. Thirdly, some of our regular customers come for credit or short of money to buy the meat and promise to pay the following day but they never keep their promises,” said Patrick.

Maluleke states that Pat Chicken has no full-time employees and that they try to contribute to the community by letting some member of the community come and help by exchanging shifts.

According to the regular customer Samanter Mhlongo, the one thing that is unique about Pat Chicken is their “tasty” chicken.

“To advise upcoming entrepreneur I would say that in everything they do they should do it at their level best, and they should remember that they can never be somebody else,” said Maluleke.


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